What are spreads?
We all know how particular children's tastes can be, which is why we created our spread series with love and care, specifically for the little ones! With a high nut content (between 30% and 60%) and 100% natural ingredients, our creams are a delicious and healthy alternative to liquid chocolate! Our wide range of spreads will surprise you with their extraordinary flavors! Here you’ll find a smooth hazelnut spread with a delicate milky taste, a refined pistachio cream, a fine almond spread with crispy caramelized peanut pieces and orange oil, crunchy peanut temptation with caramel, refreshing hazelnut cream with an aromatic espresso aftertaste, exotic almond spread with coconut nuances, and of course, an irresistible sugar-free chocolate hazelnut spread and many more!
Как се правят?
Всички сме убедени в полезните свойства на ядките и тахана, но също така знаме какво предизвикателство е да ги вкараме в менюто на децата. Това ни мотивира и да на направим вкусните кремове с които децата да хапват достатъчно ядки и в същото време да им е вскусно!
Основна съставка на всичките ни кремове е тахана. Във всяко едно бурканче Енергия от ядки ще откриете от 30 до 60% тахан от внимателно подбрани ядки и семена от цял свят! Сладостта е от кафява захар пристигнала от остров Мавриций! Мазнината която дабавяме е нехидрогинирано масло от ядка ший и рапица. Нехидрогинираните мазнини, са тези които се топят под температурата на тялото ни, тоест организма ни ги усвоява! Използваме високо качествено какао на прах и дехидратирано мляко, а антиоксиданта от розмарин и зелен чай е естествен консервант, който натурално предотвратява гранясването на мазнините и повишава срока на годност на продуктите!
От скоро имаме и продукт в тази категория без добавена захар!
Шоко лешникът ни е подсладен с изомалт. Изомалтът е подсладител с нисък гликемичен индекс, който не повишава кръвната захар. Подходящ е за диабетици, както и за спортисти поради ниското си съдържание на калории!
Целият процес от вноса на ядката, изпичането, смилането през създаването на неповторимите вкусове и чак до бутилирането и дистрибуцията е следен и контролиран от нас, за да гарантираме качеството на всяко едно бурканче!
В това ще се убедите още след първата лъжичка Енергия от ядки!
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Тhe Important Тhings
Why choose us?
Our spreads are a fantastic way to incorporate nuts into your daily diet! If you love natural and balanced flavors, prioritize quality, nutritious food, and care about ingredients, then Energy from Nuts is just for you! All that’s left is to try and find your favorite flavor.
Our nut spreads are 100% natural, free from artificial preservatives, flavors, colorings, or hydrogenated fats!
Good food, good solution!
Thanks to the high-quality nuts and other natural ingredients we use, our products provide the protein, healthy fats, and fiber your body needs.
for kids
With a variety of flavors ranging from creamy to classic cocoa, they are the perfect choice for parents looking for a healthy alternative to chocolate for their little ones...
Energy Charge
Nuts are rich in healthy fats, making them an incredible source of energy. Fuel your mornings or your workouts with Energy from Nuts!
A gift for every occasion!
Want to surprise a loved one?
Our spreads make a practical and unique gift that shows you care, tenderness, and great taste!
Less sugar
We sweeten our products with significantly lower amounts of brown sugar.
Our Chocolate Hazelnut is our newest spread WITHOUT SUGAR!
Always the best!
We carefully select not only the best nuts but also uncompromisingly high-quality raw materials for the production of all our products!
Direct from our kitchen
The recipes you have shared with us!
Embark on a culinary journey with our curated collection of original recipes, handpicked by our community. Delight in delicious dishes where our products take center stage. Whether you prefer savory or sweet, vegan or keto, our diverse range of recipes caters to a variety of dietary preferences.
Be creative
Versatility and Usage
Energy from nuts is truly a versatile ally in nutrition. Add it to your morning smoothies for a richer flavor. Incorporate it into desserts—pies, cakes, and ice creams—for a delightful aroma. Spread it on toasted bread, pancakes, waffles, or fruits for a quick and tasty breakfast, or simply grab a spoonful for a dose of sweetness and energy!
Culinary versatility
Elevate your dessert creations with the diverse flavors of our unique spreads!
Perfect spreading
Enjoy the creamy texture on toasted bread, pancakes, or waffles!
fruit dressing
Enhance the rich flavor and energy boost of your fruit breakfast with our delicious spreads!
Smuti booster
Add a spoonful to your morning smoothie for a rich, nutty taste and protein punch.
Пълноценни удоволствия: 50 здравословни рецепти, с които да подобрите храненето си
Потопете се в нашата внимателно подбрана колекция от 50 здравословни рецепти, предназначени да подхранят тялото ви и да възбудят вкусовите ви рецептори. От обилни закуски и енергизиращи смутита до разкошни вечери и десерти без вина – “Пълноценни удоволствия” е вашият най-добър наръчник за добро хранене и чудесно усещане.
Всяка рецепта е съставена с любов, като се набляга на естествените съставки и ползите от балансираното хранене. Независимо дали сте опитен готвач, или новак в кухнята, тази книга предлага разнообразни ястия за всеки вкус.
Вземете безплатното си копие сега и се впуснете във вкусно пътешествие към оптималното здраве!
Всеки от нашите кремове е уникален, с вкусов профил, създаден, за да радва сетивата. От успокояващата познатост на лешниковия крем с какаов вкус до авантюристичната комбинация от млечен бадем с портокалови корички и хрупкави карамелизирани фъстъци – има крем за всеки вкус.
Създаването на нашите кремове е упражнение по прецизност и страст. Процесът започва с внимателен подбор на най-качествените ядки и съставки. След това ядките се смилат фино и се смесват с други съставки като захар, какао и мляко в зависимост от конкретната рецепта. Предлагаме и вегански варианти и варианти без захар, като се грижим за широк спектър от хранителни предпочитания.
По време на целия процес поддържаме строг контрол на качеството, за да гарантираме, че всяко бурканче от нашите кремове, което достига до вас, е с най-високи стандарти. Така че, когато избирате нашите Кремове, вие избирате не просто вкусна разядка, а продукт, който е направен с грижа, опит и истинска любов към добрата храна. Открийте възхитителния свят на нашите Кремове и превърнете ястията си в гурме преживявания.
A community of good food and a love for sports
Our dedicated followers!
Our satisfied customers are the motivation and energy that drive us forward..
From annual festivals to sporting events and social media platforms, their unwavering support is our constant driving force. With their sincere and loyal presence, they have become an integral part of our story. Ние сме безкрайно благодарни We are endlessly grateful for their trust and dedication.
Meeting their thirst for quality and flavor is our greatest reward, and we continuously strive to exceed their expectations.
From annual festivals to sporting events and social media platforms, their unwavering support is our constant driving force. With their sincere and loyal presence, they have become an integral part of our story. Ние сме безкрайно благодарни We are endlessly grateful for their trust and dedication.
Meeting their thirst for quality and flavor is our greatest reward, and we continuously strive to exceed their expectations.
Tailored to suit your taste.
Who are they intended for?
Our spreads are designed for those who care about themselves and seek natural, flavorful, and delicious indulgences. They are perfect for those striving for a balanced diet and lifestyle. However, if you have specific dietary restrictions or allergies, please carefully review the ingredients.
Who is it for?
A wonderful choice for parents looking for delicious and high-quality products for themselves and their children.
For those seeking products made from pure, natural ingredients without artificial additives.
If you can’t resist something sweet, our spreads are your delicious and healthy way to satisfy your sweet cravings!
Those who love to experiment with new flavors and ingredients in their dishes.
Those who appreciate rich, creamy textures and authentic flavors.
Even professional athletes have a "cheat day."
With Energy from Nuts, you can indulge in a sweet treat without straying from your goals!
Is your day dynamic and busy?
You need energy!
Start your day with a slice of toasted bread and Energy from Nuts, or add a spoonful to your muesli or smoothie for an energetic kick to your morning!
Who it's not for
Attention to individuals with nut or seed allergies! If your allergy to a specific nut or seed is not severe, you may consider consuming other nuts or seeds. However, if your allergy is more severe, please be aware that tahini is ground using shared equipment. While we take care to clean the equipment between batches, there may be traces of other seeds and nuts.
For those with allergies or intolerances to milk and lactose, please note that most of our creams contain dehydrated milk! You can find our vegan products HERE!!
If you don't have a sweet tooth, we recommend checking out our pastes :
What our clinets ask us?
Frequently Asked Questions
The main difference lies in the percentage of nuts used in the product. Pastes are made from 100% nuts, with nothing else added. Nut butters contain 90% nuts, while the spreads range between 30% and 60% nuts. The spreads are sweetened and have a flavor similar to that of chocolate spreads!
Between 30% to 60% of our various spreads consist of the actual nut itself.
The sweetness comes from brown sugar, and we also offer a product with no added sugar! We use non-hydrogenated shea butter, rosemary and green tea extracts, along with milk or cocoa depending on the recipe.
You can find detailed ingredient lists in the information provided for each specific product!
Do not expose the products to moisture. Store in a dry place away from direct sunlight.
(There is no need to store them in the refrigerator.)
In some of our products, we have used brown sugar, but its content is significantly lower due to the high nut content. You can now also enjoy a unique taste without guilt with our new sugar-free cream – Hazelnut Chocolate!
Most of our spreads contain dehydrated milk!
We also have vegan cocoa creams, which you can find HERE!
Absolutely! Our creams are versatile and can enhance a variety of dishes. Check out our collection of amazing recipes for culinary inspiration.
As you can see, we focus on natural ingredients. That’s why we have used an antioxidant extract of rosemary and green tea, ensuring longevity without artificial preservatives.
The shelf life is one year from the date of production. It remains the same after opening, but it is important to store the cream in a dry place away from direct sunlight (preferably not in the fridge) and to avoid water getting inside!