What are pastes?
Tahini (or nuts paste) is made from finely ground seeds or nuts, resulting in a flavorful and nutritious aromatic paste.
In the form of tahini, the nutrients from nuts are absorbed much more efficiently by the body!
Imagine the variety: hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts, sesame, and more.
Each nut is transformed into a unique delicious tahini, from the velvety smoothness of hazelnuts to the distinctive nuttiness of pistachios.
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The origin of the word "ṭaḥīnā"itself comes from the Middle East, specifically "tahini" in Arabic, which literally means "to grind". Tahini, made from ground sesame seeds, has been consumed for centuries in the Middle East region, encompassing Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and the Palestinian territories.
Nowadays, we use the word "tahini" not only for ground sesame seeds but also for any other kind of ground nut. Any finely ground nut can be turned into tahini, offering different flavors and textures.
At Energy from Nuts, we strive for excellence through meticulous roasting (up to 150/160°C), fine grinding (up to 20-30 microns), rigorous selection of the highest quality nuts, and no added fats to ensure the purity and distinctive taste of our final product.
Whether you're a self-care enthusiast, a food lover looking to elevate your culinary creations, or a fitness enthusiast aiming to fuel your workouts with high-quality protein, our varieties of nut pastes provide everything you need.
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Our range of various pastes offerings.
Almond Paste
12,50 лв.Pistachio Paste
Тhe Important Тhings
Why choose us?
We offer a wide variety of tahini (nut paste) including hazelnut, almond, sesame, peanut, and pistachio. Each type of tahini has its own unique taste, texture, and aroma, along with varying ratios of fat, protein, and fiber. It serves as a reliable companion in everyday life, providing energy and a great start to your day, whether before or after intense workouts or as part of culinary inspiration.
Only the best
Since the main ingredient of tahini is nuts,quality comes first! We select the nuts we work with very precisely and carefully.

The only ingredient in our tahini is the nut. No added sugar, artificial sweeteners, enhancers, or colors!
They are suitable for diabetics!

Perfect for any diet
Whether you follow a keto, paleo, vegan, or gluten-free diet, you can find your favorite flavor without straying from your nutritional goals.

Healthy Goals
Rich in fat, protein, and fiber, our tahini is a smart food choice for a balanced and nourishing diet.

Energy Bomb
Nuts are a rich source of easily digestible and beneficial unsaturated fats, making them ideal for quickly and easily obtaining energy.

Diverse use
An excellent ingredient for adding depth and richness to your dishes, our tahini can be used in a myriad of culinary ways.
Direct from our kitchen
The recipes you have shared with us!
Embark on a culinary journey with our curated collection of original recipes, handpicked by our community. Delight in delicious dishes where our products take center stage. Whether you prefer savory or sweet, vegan or keto, our diverse range of recipes caters to a variety of dietary preferences.
Limitless possibilities
Versatility and Usage
These are truly versatile allies in nutrition and the kitchen. Incorporate them into your morning smoothies for enhanced flavor and sustained energy throughout the day. Add them to desserts like pies, cakes, and ice creams for a more indulgent taste. Alternatively, spread them on toast for a quick and delicious snack.
Culinary versatility
From smoothies to dressings, our tahini is the perfect addition to elevate any dish.
Perfect spreading
Spread the creamy goodness on toast, a bagel, or in a sandwich for a delightful treat.
Easy to use
Due to its fine and smooth texture, tahini blends effortlessly into desserts, spreads, and sauces!

Smuti booster
Add a scoop to your morning smoothie for a rich, nutty flavor and a boost of healthy fats and protein.
Пълноценни удоволствия: 50 здравословни рецепти, с които да подобрите храненето си
Потопете се в нашата внимателно подбрана колекция от 50 здравословни рецепти, предназначени да подхранят тялото ви и да възбудят вкусовите ви рецептори. От обилни закуски и енергизиращи смутита до разкошни вечери и десерти без вина – “Пълноценни удоволствия” е вашият най-добър наръчник за добро хранене и чудесно усещане.
Всяка рецепта е съставена с любов, като се набляга на естествените съставки и ползите от балансираното хранене. Независимо дали сте опитен готвач, или новак в кухнята, тази книга предлага разнообразни ястия за всеки вкус.
Вземете безплатното си копие сега и се впуснете във вкусно пътешествие към оптималното здраве!
Всеки от нашите кремове е уникален, с вкусов профил, създаден, за да радва сетивата. От успокояващата познатост на лешниковия крем с какаов вкус до авантюристичната комбинация от млечен бадем с портокалови корички и хрупкави карамелизирани фъстъци – има крем за всеки вкус.
Създаването на нашите кремове е упражнение по прецизност и страст. Процесът започва с внимателен подбор на най-качествените ядки и съставки. След това ядките се смилат фино и се смесват с други съставки като захар, какао и мляко в зависимост от конкретната рецепта. Предлагаме и вегански варианти и варианти без захар, като се грижим за широк спектър от хранителни предпочитания.
По време на целия процес поддържаме строг контрол на качеството, за да гарантираме, че всяко бурканче от нашите кремове, което достига до вас, е с най-високи стандарти. Така че, когато избирате нашите Кремове, вие избирате не просто вкусна разядка, а продукт, който е направен с грижа, опит и истинска любов към добрата храна. Открийте възхитителния свят на нашите Кремове и превърнете ястията си в гурме преживявания.
A community of good food and a love for sports
Our dedicated followers!
Our satisfied customers are the motivation and energy that drive us forward. From annual festivals to sporting events and social media platforms, their unwavering support is our constant driving force. With their sincere and loyal presence, they have become an integral part of our story. We are eternally grateful for their trust and dedication. Satisfying their thirst for quality and taste is our greatest reward, and we strive to continually exceed their expectations.

Tailored to suit your taste.
Who are they intended for?
Our nut Paste is made for people who take care of themselves and seek healthy foods. They are ideal for those pursuing a balanced diet and lifestyle. However, if you have specific dietary restrictions or allergies, please review the ingredients carefully.
Who is it for?
Sport practitioners:
For those who lead an active lifestyle and need high-quality sources of unsaturated fatty acids and protein, our tahini is your ideal ally. Its high protein content supports muscle recovery and growth, while its easily digestible fats provide maximum energy.
Seekers of better and quality food:
For those who always strive to maintain a balanced diet, tahini fits perfectly into your lifestyle. Its high nutritional profile can help you achieve your goals.
Culinary food enthusiasts:
For those who enjoy the art of cooking and love to experiment with different ingredients, tahini is the perfect addition to your kitchen cabinet. Let your creativity shine and add an exciting twist to your dishes.
People with diet restrictions:
Persons looking for gluten, dairy and sugar free options.
The product is plant-based and suitable for people who follow a vegan lifestyle. With its high content of unsaturated fatty acids and protein, tahini is a must-have addition to your menu!
Natural Food Lovers
People who prefer natural and natural flavours.
Who it's not for
Nut allergic
Attention to individuals with nut or seed allergies! If your allergy to a specific nut or seed is not severe, you may consider consuming other nuts or seeds. However, if your allergy is more severe, please be aware that tahini is ground using shared equipment. While we take care to clean the equipment between batches, there may be traces of other seeds and nuts.
People avoiding intense and natural flavours:
If you have a sweet tooth, you might find tahini's flavor quite strong and intense.
We recommend trying our Nut Spreads instead! They offer a tastier and easier way to enjoy the beneficial properties of nut paste.
What our clinets ask us?
Frequently Asked Questions
What are pastes?
Any nut or seed can be turned into tahini, offering a variety of flavors and textures. It is a misconception that tahini can only be made from sesame seeds. Nowadays, you can find tahini made from all kinds of nuts. We offer peanut, sesame, almond, hazelnut, pistachio, and coconut tahini. You can rest assured that Energy Nut Tahini contains 100% ground nuts with no added fats, salt, or sugar!
Do you have raw tahini?
Due to the residual moisture in the kernels (typically between 6 and 12%), it is essential to roast them to remove this moisture. If the moisture remains, milling the kernels can cause the fat to oxidize, leading to rancidity in the tahini within about 1 to 2 weeks. You can try making raw tahini at home to experience its shorter shelf life firsthand.
Is there any added sugar?
Absolutely NOT! There is only one ingredient in our tahini and that is the corresponding nut.
Why is there oil on the top of the jar?
Separation is a natural process in which solid particles settle and fat rises to the surface. If you notice separation in your tahini over time or when purchasing from the store, simply stir it well to mix everything back together.
Is there anything added?
By trusting Valnuts, you can rest assured that you are consuming only the finest nuts, without any added sugars, artificial additives, or preservatives.
What is the difference between Nut paste and nut butter?
The nut Paste consists of 100% ground nuts or seeds! Our peanut butter was awarded an innovation diploma at the Plovdiv FOODTECH Fair 2018! Our innovation lies in using 90% high-quality peanuts, brown sugar, non-hydrogenated fats, minimal salt, and natural antioxidants like rosemary and green tea extract! We do not use preservatives, colorings, flavorings, stabilizers, or hydrogenated fats, ensuring our products are 100% natural! According to the American standard for peanut butter preparation dated February 5, 1972, the nut content must be at least 90%, and added hydrogenated fats and stabilizers to prevent fat separation may not exceed 10%. In Bulgaria, products are labeled 'peanut butter' when made from shelled peanuts and 'tahini' when made from shelled seeds. Imported products often contain added crystal sugar, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats, and artificial preservatives.
What is the difference between Nut Paste and Nut Spread?
As mentioned, tahini, which is finely ground seeds or nuts, is very healthy and tasty for some but can be challenging for others, especially children, to consume. To ensure everyone can enjoy the benefits of tahini, Energy from nuts has created a healthy and delicious alternative to liquid chocolate! Our creams contain 30% to 60% nut content, compared to mainstream liquid chocolates which typically range from 1% to 20%. We offer them in two irresistible flavors: milk and cocoa, and guarantee they are 100% natural - NO preservatives, flavorings, GMOs, or hydrogenated fats! Discover the natural taste with the first scoop of Energy from Nuts!
Are tahini suitable for Vegans?
Totally suitable for vegans! Whether you follow a keto, paleo, vegan, or gluten-free diet, tahini will become your best friend!
How to consume tahini?
Unlike whole nuts, tahini has countless uses! From the classic tahini and honey recipe to creative uses in smoothies, desserts, energy bars, salad dressings, and even meat sauces, the possibilities are endless! Discover exciting recipes HERE!
What is the shelf life of tahini after opening?
The shelf life of tahini is one year from the date of production. It remains stable after opening, provided it is stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight (preferably not in the fridge) and protected from water exposure.